Internationalization tags are the second most used tags in JSTL. The most used tags are core tags, as you can refer to in my last post.

2022.09.17 - [JSP] - JSP) JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library) - Core tags


Internationalization tags are related to numbers, dates, and timezone. The example tag with the URI is like this : 

<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>

The prefix value is "fmt" and the URI ends with "fmt" which refers to the internationalization tag. 

For your better understanding, let us look through some simple examples. 


numberFormat Tag

<%@ page contentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>

<head><title>numberFormat Tag</title></head>

<c:set var="now" value="<%= new java.util.Date() %>" />
${now }<br>
<c:out value="${now }"/><br>

<fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="date" dateStyle="full" /> <br> <!-- in detail -->
<fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="date" dateStyle="short" /> <br> <!-- simple -->
<fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="time" /> <br>
<fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="both" 
                dateStyle="full" timeStyle="full" /> <br>
<fmt:formatDate value="${now}" pattern="z a h:mm" /> <br><br> <!-- z: timezone a: am/pm -->
<fmt:formatDate value="${now}" pattern="MM/dd/yy EEEE h:mm a z"/><br>

timeZone tag

<%@ page contentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>

<head><title>timeZone Tag</title></head>

<c:set var="now" value="<%= new java.util.Date() %>" />

<fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="both" 
                dateStyle="full" timeStyle="full" />

<fmt:timeZone value="Hongkong">
<fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="both" 
                dateStyle="full" timeStyle="full" />

<fmt:timeZone value="America/New_York">
<fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="both" 
                dateStyle="full" timeStyle="full" />

<fmt:timeZone value="Asia/Seoul">
<fmt:formatDate value="${now}" type="both" 
                dateStyle="full" timeStyle="full" />


formatNumber Tag

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri=""%>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>

<title>formatNumber Tag</title>

	<c:set var="price" value="10000" />
	<fmt:formatNumber value="${price}" type="number" var="numberType" />
	Number: ${numberType}  <!-- Variable name -->
	<br> KRW:
	<fmt:formatNumber value="${price}" type="currency" currencySymbol="\\" />
	<br> USD:
	<fmt:formatNumber value="${price}" type="currency" currencySymbol="$" />
	<br> Percentage:
	<fmt:formatNumber value="${price}" type="percent" groupingUsed="true" />
	<br> Percentage:
	<fmt:formatNumber value="${price}" type="percent" groupingUsed="false" />
	<br> Pattern:
	<fmt:formatNumber value="${price}" pattern="00000000.00" />



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