WordCloud is a Natural Language Processing.

As you can see in my last post, word cloud helps you understand a subject better.

2022.10.07 - [Jobs] - Junior developer job word cloud from indeed & LinkedIn


Junior developer job word cloud from indeed & LinkedIn

indeed From the most used, LinkedIn



1. Download JDK.



easypy_java 다운로드

easypy_java 다운로드


2.  Download KoNLPy (Kkma, Okt, Komoran, Hannanum, Mecab) dependency package.

pip install jpype1

3. Download KoNLPy  modules.

pip install konlpy

4. Download the word cloud module. Microsoft Visual C++(higher than version 14) has to be installed in advance to download word cloud.

pip install wordcloud

Now, it is all set, and we will use various functions to mine text.


open(): to open files

read(): to read files

sub(): to delete the letters that are not needed 

As you can see, the words that are not essential are filtered.

nouns(): to extract nouns only

DataFrame(): to convert to the dataframe

len(): to get the the length of words 

To save the result from len(), I created a count variable and saved them here.

To sort out the words and leave valid result only

groupby(): to group data

head(): to print out top n words by frequencies

barplot(): to create a bar graph


To create a word cloud, first set font.

dict(): to convert the data frame to dictionary

Import wordcloud.

Create worldcloud!

To create masks, import PIL and numpy first.

With them, you can customize the shape and color of the cloud.

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