This is a list of Must-know in Java that I made with the help of my instructor. 

As always, step by step, we will get there! 

  1. Data types
  2. Variables (regional variable, member variable, static variable)
  3. Operators
  4. Control statement (condition statement, repeat statement)
    Auxiliary control statement (break, continue)
  5. Call Methods
    (Call by Value, Call by Reference)
  6. Arrays
  7. classes, objects, constructors, methods
  8. Access Controllers
  9. Date, Timestamp, Calendar
  10. String-related classes (String, StringBuffer, StringTokenizer)
  11. Inheritance
    (Member variable, method, constructor)
  12. Abstract classes, interface
  13. Collection, Generic
    List, Map
  14. Transform data type
    1. Basic data type conversion ex) double <---> int
    2. Data type conversion using a wrapper (basic data type <---> reference type)
      ex) int <---> String Wrapper Class (Boxing and Unboxing)
      int n = Integer.parseInt("20");
    3. Reference Type Transformation
  15. Exception handling
  16. Thread
  17.* (BufferedReader, FileReader, FileWriter, File)
  18.* (Socket Communications)
  19. java.sql.* (Database interlocking)

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Java) Operators  (0) 2022.08.26

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