
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Sign Up</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
	function openDaumPostcode() {
		new daum.Postcode({
			oncomplete : function(data) {
				document.getElementById('post').value = data.zonecode;
				document.getElementById('address').value = data.address;				

<script src="member.js"></script>


<form method="post" action="member.jsp">
<table border=1 width=600 align=center>
	<caption>Sign Up</caption>
		<td><input type=text autofocus="autofocus" id="id" name="id">
			<input type="button" value="IDcheck" id="idcheck">
		<td><input type=password id="passwd" name="passwd"></td>
		<td><input type=text id="name" name="name"></td>
	<tr><th>ID No.</th>
		<td><input type=text size=6 maxlength="6" id="jumin1" name="jumin1">-
		    <input type=text size=7 maxlength="7" id="jumin2" name="jumin2">
		<td><input type=text size=10 id="mailid" name="mailid">@
			<input type=text size=10 id="domain" name="domain">
			<select id="email">
				<option value="">Email</option>
				<option value="">Naver</option>
				<option value="">Daum</option>
				<option value="">Nate</option>
				<option value="">Google</option>
		<td><input type=text size=4 maxlength="4" id="tel1" name="tel1">-
			<input type=text size=4 maxlength="4" id="tel2" name="tel2">-
			<input type=text size=4 maxlength="4" id="tel3" name="tel3">
		<td><select id="phone1" name="phone1">
				<option value="">Select</option>
				<option value="010">010</option>
				<option value="011">011</option>
				<option value="016">016</option>
				<option value="018">018</option>
				<option value="019">019</option>
			<input type=text size=4 maxlength="4" id="phone2" name="phone2">-
			<input type=text size=4 maxlength="4" id="phone3" name="phone3">
		<td><input type=text size=5 maxlength="5" id="post" name="post">
			<input type="button" value="Search" onClick="openDaumPostcode()">
		<td><input type=text size=70 id="address" name="address"></td>
		<td><input type=radio id="male" name="gender" value="Male">Male
			<input type=radio id="female" name="gender" value="Female">Female
		<td><input type=checkbox id="h1" name="hobby" value="Studying">Studying
			<input type=checkbox id="h2" name="hobby" value="Playing games">Playing games
			<input type=checkbox id="h3" name="hobby" value="Hiking">Hiking
			<input type=checkbox id="h4" name="hobby" value="Fishing">Fishing
			<input type=checkbox id="h5" name="hobby" value="Shopping">Shopping
	<tr><th>About me</th>
		<td><textarea rows="5" cols="50" id="intro" name="intro"
			  placeholder="Please write up to 100 characters."></textarea></td>
	<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>
			<input type=submit value="Join">
			<input type=reset value="Cancel">



		// IDCheck
				alert("Insert your ID.");
				return false;
				var ref="idcheck.jsp?id="+$("#id").val();,"idcheck","width=250, height=150")
		// Focus
			if($("#jumin1").val().length == 6)
		// Domain
			if($("#email").val() == ""){		
				$("#domain").attr("readOnly", false);		
				$("#domain").attr("readOnly", "readOnly");
		// Validation Check
			if($("#id").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your ID.");
				return false;
			if($("#passwd").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your password.");
				return false;
			if($("#name").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your name.");
				return false;
			if($("#jumin1").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your ID number1.");
				return false;
			if($("#jumin1").val().length != 6){
				alert("Insert your ID number1.");
				return false;
			// isNaN() 
				alert("Insert numbers only.");
				return false;
			if($("#jumin2").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your ID number2.");
				return false;
			if($("#jumin2").val().length != 7){
				alert("Insert your ID number1.");
				return false;
			// isNaN() 
				alert("Insert numbers only.");
				return false;
			if($("#mailid").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your email address.");
				return false;
			if($("#domain").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert the domain of your email.");
				return false;
			if($("#tel1").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your tel1.");
				return false;
				alert("Insert numbers only.");
				return false;
			if($("#tel2").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your tel2.");
				return false;
				alert("Insert numbers only.");
				return false;
			if($("#tel3").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your tel3.");
				return false;
				alert("Insert numbers only.");
				return false;
			if($("#phone1").val() == ""){
				alert("Select your mobile number1.");
				return false;
			if($("#phone2").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your mobile number2.");
				return false;
				alert("Insert numbers only.");
				return false;
			if($("#phone3").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your mobile number3.");
				return false;
				alert("Insert numbers only.");
				return false;
			if($("#post").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your postcode.");
				return false;
			if($("#address").val() == ""){
				alert("Insert your address.");
				return false;
			if($("#male").is(":checked") == false &&
			   $("#female").is(":checked") == false ){
				alert("Secelte your sex.")
				return false;
			if($("input:checkbox[name='hobby']:checked").length < 2){
				alert("Select more than one hobby.")
				return false;
			if($("#intro").val() == ""){
				alert("Write About me section.");
				return false;
			if($("#intro").val().length > 100){
				alert("About me section has to be up to 200 characters.");
				return false;


<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=EUC-KR"

String id = request.getParameter("id");
String passwd = request.getParameter("passwd");
String name = request.getParameter("name");
String jumin1 = request.getParameter("jumin1");
String jumin2 = request.getParameter("jumin2");
String mailid = request.getParameter("mailid");
String domain = request.getParameter("domain");
String tel1 = request.getParameter("tel1");
String tel2 = request.getParameter("tel2");
String tel3 = request.getParameter("tel3");
String phone1 = request.getParameter("phone1");
String phone2 = request.getParameter("phone2");
String phone3 = request.getParameter("phone3");
String post = request.getParameter("post");
String address = request.getParameter("address");
String gender = request.getParameter("gender");

String[] hobby = request.getParameterValues("hobby");
String h = ""; 
for(String hy : hobby)
	h += hy + "-";

String intro = request.getParameter("intro");
String introduce = request.getParameter("intro").replace("\n", "<br>");


ID : <%=id%> <br>
Password : <%=passwd%> <br>
Name : <%=name%> <br>
ID No. : <%=jumin1%>-<%=jumin2%> <br>
Email : <%=mailid%>@<%=domain%> <br>
Telephone : <%=tel1%>-<%=tel2%>-<%=tel3%> <br>
Mobile : <%=phone1%>-<%=phone2%>-<%=phone3%> <br>
Postcode : <%=post%> <br>
Address : <%=address%> <br>
Sex : <%=gender %> <br>
Hobby : <%=h %> <br>
About me1 : <pre><%=intro%></pre> <br>
About me2 : <br>
<%=introduce%> <br>
Postcode : <%=post%> <br>
ID : <%=id%> <br>


<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"

 ID : <%=request.getParameter("id") %>

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